Product SKU: YAF16A

YAF16A - Hari Raya Hamper

Price:$400.00 w/gst $428.00

Product Description

Air Purifier.

Gold Craft Serving Plate.

Cooker with S/S Pot.

Ferrero Rocher Chocolate T24.


Traditional Pineapple Sunflower Tarts 400g.

Traditional Makmur Cookies 350g.

Riang London Chocolate Almond Cookie 250g.

Riang Melting Almond Cookie.

Van Houten Chocolates Almonds 180g.

Cocktail Sparkling Juice 750ml.

Granny’S Recipe Almond Cookies 150g. 

Beryl’S Tiramisu Almond White Chocolates 65g.

Beryl’S 80% Dark Chocolates 34g.

Moore Strawberry Cookies With Soft Strawberry Filling 64g.

